Globalization and Localisation of Firms University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
“Contrôlecontinu”: -45-minuteintermediate test on part I of the course during classes(seecalendar below) -45-minuteintermediate test on part II of the course duringend-of-semesterexam session -RATTRAPAGE:90-minute test on both parts I and II
Course schedule
The course is divided in two parts: -The first part is dedicated to localization theory and evidence. Afirst set of theories comes from Paul Krugman’s seminalcontributions to the New Economic Geography (NEG) and provides anexplanation of spatial clustering of economic activities based onfamiliar economic concepts, without any reference to innovation. Asecond set of theories, joint with related evidence, comes fromseveral empirical contributions to the economics of innovation andstresses the role of innovation as an agglomeration. -The second part of the course is dedicated to MultinationalEnterprises (MNEs) and their Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs).Besides providing a definition and classification of MNEs, as well asa theory of their determinants and nature of FDIs, we will discusstheir relationship with and impact on industrial agglomerations.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
AllPowerPoint slides are in English and will be made available ontheMoodle e-learning site, well in advance the lectures. Studentsarereceived by appointment, either in person or via Skype._PARTI - LOCALIZATION_1- Economic Geography /1: Core-Periphery Models -Krugman,P. R. (1990). _Geographyand trade_.MITpress (ch.1and AppendixA) -4copies à la Bibliothèque du GREThA ; 1 copie à laBibliothèque duDSPEG2- Economic Geography /2: Marshallian Districts -Krugman,P. R. (1990). _Geographyand trade_.MITpress (ch.2and AppendixC)3- Localized knowledge flows -Jaffe,A. B., Trajtenberg, M., & Henderson, R. (1993).Geographiclocalization of knowledge spillovers as evidenced bypatentcitations. _Quarterlyjournal of Economics_, _108_(3),577-598.(skipsectionIII.)([]) -Breschi,S., & Lissoni, F. (2009). Mobility of skilled workersandco-invention networks: an anatomy of localizedknowledgeflows. _Journalof EconomicGeography_, _9_(4),439-468([]) -Krugman,P. (2011). The new economic geography, now middle-aged._RegionalStudies_, _45_(1),1-7.([])4-Cities, diversity, and diversification -Duranton,G., & Puga, D. (2000). Diversity and specialisation incities:why, where and when does itmatter? _Urbanstudies_, _37_(3),533-55 (onlysections 1, 2 and6)(,_Where_and_When_does_it_Matter.pdf[,_Where_and_When_does_it_Matter.pdf]) -Choose oneof the two: -Frenken,K., Van Oort, F., & Verburg, T. (2007). Relatedvariety,unrelated variety and regional economicgrowth. _Regionalstudies_, _41_(5),685-697. -Neffke, F.,Henning, M. and Boschma, R., 2011. How do regions diversifyovertime? Industry relatedness and the development of new growthpathsinregions. _EconomicGeography_, _87_(3),pp.237-265([])_PARTII - GLOBALIZATION_5-Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) and Foreign DirectInvestments(FDIs): Definitions -DL*chapters 1 and 3 (skip 3.4 and 3.5) -IM** chapters 2 (only 2.1 and 2.2) 6-MNMultinational Enterprises: History and trends -DL* chapters 2 (skip 2.5, 2.7, 2.8.2), 6 -UNCTAD(2019) _WorldInvestment Report 2019 - Special Economic Zones_[],UnitedNations Conference on Trade & Development: Geneva chapter I,sections A to C 7–Theoretical overview -DM*chapter 4 (4.2.5 and 4.3.2 only) -IM** chapters 2 (2.3, 2.5 only) -Suggestedreading order: IM2.3.1-2.3.3 / DM4.2.5 / DM4.3.2 /IM2.3.4-2.3.5 /IM2.58–MNEs and innovation -UNCTAD(2005) _WorldInvestment Report 2005 – TransnationalCorporations and theInternationalization of R&D_[]_,_UnitedNations Conference on Trade & Development: Geneva chapters 4(Sections A, B, C.1, D.2.a and Boxes from IV.3 to IV.7)and 5 (SectionC only) -McCann,P. and Mudambi, R., 2007. MNEs’ location behaviour andindustrialclustering. _Domultinationals feed local development andgrowth_,pp.63-94. -Availableon the e-learningplatform[]BranstetterL.G.,Glennon B., Jensen J (2019) _TheRise of Global Innovation by USMultinationals Poses Risks andOpportunities_, PetersonInstitute forInternational Economics([]9–MigrationandFDIs -Hernandez,E., 2014. Finding a home away from home: Effects ofimmigrants onfirms’ foreign location choice andperformance. _AdministrativeScience Quarterly_, _59_(1),pp.73-108. -Useche,D., Miguelez, E. and Lissoni, F., 2019. Highly skilled andwellconnected: Migrant inventors in cross-border M&As. _JournalofInternational Business Studies_,pp.1-27. -BOTHavailable on the e-learningplatform[]*DL:Dunning, J.H. and Lundan, S.M., 2008. _Multinationalenterprisesand the global economy_.Edward Elgar Publishing (2nd edition) -2copies à la Bibliothèque du DSPEG(332.042DUN), of which 1 copyreserved for consultation only (no lending)**IM:Iammarino, S. and McCann, P., 2013. _Multinationalsand economicgeography: Location, technology and innovation_.Edward ElgarPublishing -Soonavailable à la Bibliothèque du DSPEGLanguage of instruction: English