Growth and Development Economics Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
Models of the Post-Keynesian Growth Theory (Harrod/Domar Model and Two-Gaps Model) and the neoclassical growth model are discussed in detail. In particular, the determinants “savings” and “population growth” are critically assessed as well as the interdependency of growth and capital imports and foreign trade, respectively. Another focus is set on the analysis of “technological progress” as growth determinant. Subsequent to the theoretical models, problem oriented topics are covered, concentrating on development financing, trade, financial crisis, human capital accumulation, HIV/AIDS and technological progress in developing countries.
Learning Achievement
Qualification targets: The aim of the module is to familiarize students with diverse growth theories and to enable them to classify these approaches with regard to theoretical and empirical relevance for the explanation of success and failure of development Imparted soft skills: Analytical thinking, Independent studying and learning, Critical thinking
Course prerequisites
Good knowledge of macroeconomics.
Grading Philosophy
100 % Written exam (90 min)
Course schedule
Week1: Introduction Week2: followed by Week3 to the Final Week
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Löwenstein
Other information
a) Lecture b) Exercise Session Learning material and relevant literature: Acemoglu, D. (2009): Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press.; Bender, D.; Löwenstein, W. (2005): Two-Gap Models: PostKeynesian Death and Neoclassical Rebirth.; Feenstra, R./Taylor, A., International Economics, 2008.; Krugman, P./Obstfeld, M., International Economics, 7. Auflage, 2006.; Weil, David N. (2009): Economic Growth, 2. Auflage, Pearson Addison-Weasly, Boston. not offered every semester
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jan Wüstenfeld:
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