High Performance Parallel Computing Technology for Computational Sciences University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
High performance computing is the basic technology needed to support today's large scale scientific simulations. It covers a wide variety of issues on hardware and software for high-end computing such as high speed computation, high speed networking, large scale memory and disk storage, high speed numerical algorithms, programming schemes and the system softwares to support them. Current advanced supercomputer systems are based on large scale parallel processing systems. Nowadays, even application users are required to understand these technologies to a certain level for their effective utilization. In this class, we focus on the basic technology of high-end computing systems, programming, algorithm and performance tuning for application users who aim to use these systems for their practical simulation and computing.
Learning Achievement
1. Understanding fundamentals of parallel processing. 2. Understanding the parallel programming languages OpenMP and MPI. 3. Understanding parallel computing algorithms and optimization for improving computation performance.
Knowledge Utilization Skills, International Skills, Research Skills, Expert Knowledge
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
The grade will be evaluated by reports.
Course schedule
1. Fundamentals of HPC and parallel processing 2. Parallel processing systems 3. OpenMP 4. MPI 5. Parallel numerical algorithm 1 (Numerical methods for linear systems) 6. Parallel numerical algorithm 2 (Fast Fourier transform) 7. Optimization 1 (Computation optimization) 8. Optimization 2 (Communication optimization)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Boku Taisuke,Tatebe Osamu,Takahashi Daisuke,Nukada Akira,Tadano Hiroto,Fujita Norihisa,Kobayashi Ryohei
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university