High Tech Facility Construction Management National Taiwan University

Course Overview
The purpose of this course is to provide basic knowledge needed for managing high-tech facility constructed project. High-Tech includes, not limited to, the advanced technologies applied in the fields of microelectronics, optoelectronics, precision equipment, telecommunication, nanotech, pharmaceutics, biotech, medical devices, animal experiment, and Aerospace. The construction processes undertaken in high-tech manufacturing plants require special clean-build protocols with extremely tight schedule, stringent quality and safety control as well as using 3D CAD for effective communication among all the participants. The focus of this course is on managing the construction of high tech fabrication plant (fab) and engineering its facilities for life-cycle operation. Students will gain methodologies needed to meet ever-changing challenge of delivering an ultra pure and fast moving semiconductor and related Fabs such as wafer, LED, TFT, and/or Photovoltaic. In addition, this course will strengthen student's understanding and background in managing high-tech fab engineering project and integrating its interdisciplinary nature. Moreover, laboratory experiments will be required to enable students to have hands-on experiences on cleanroom testing. And a short supplemental course by applying TSMC's 3D CAD to Fab Project Management may be provided on a volunteer base, if more than 10 students sign up for the short course,the supplemental course will be examined and certified by TSMC 300mm Fabs Facility Division. The following YouTube exemplifies the 5D wafer Fab: https://youtu.be/hnuczt8Vxb4 This course will be taught in English. Students are encouraged to use English for asking questions and answering homework problems. However, to enhance student's learning and to facilitate the communication between instructor and students, manderin could be used in the case.
Learning Achievement
This course is intended to offer to both graduate students, and undergraduate seniors and juniors. Students from the field of engineering, science, pharmacy, life science, agriculture, business, management and social science will be exposed to fundamental theories and their applications in the build/certify/manage of the high tech manufacturing/fabrication plant (fab). Academic faculty will teach basic theories and principles. Professional industrial experts will be invited to reinforce the application of theories and principles in the real world practices. The course will enable the students to:
1. Differentiate the typical processes in IC and Photovoltaic Fabs. 2. Explain the interdisciplinary nature of high tech Fab construction 3. Perform Site Investigation & Mobilization. 4. Use the basic theories and principles to control Fab Design/Build schedule, to integrate time with cost and to make time-cost trade off. 5. Classify cleanrooms in terms of various international standards. 6. Measure and verify cleanroom. 7. Establish clean-build protocols for constructing and renovating the clean room and other high-tech facilities. 8. Address the issues in automatically integrating the emergency, safety, and security systems. 9. Link to the information sources for further studies in nano/micro fabrication and research.
Course prerequisites
There will be approximate 3-5 home works in spring 2017. Homework counts 15% of "Total Grade." Students will have to preview class reading assignments. The homework is to answer the questions derived from the reading assignments, lectures, lab experiments, cleanroom tour, and/or field trips. There is one (1) group term project. The group term project will focus on 4D (3D CAD + 1D Time) scheduling. The term project tests the student's understanding of the principal managerial concepts on 3D CAD and CPM scheduling that will be covered in the course within the context of a comprehensive "real-world" problem. It also provides an opportunity to develop skills for working in a project team context and communication skills. The term project counts 50% of the final grade. A Final Exam is required on June 21, 2017. The Final Exam will be comprehensive and counted as 15% of "Total Grade.", Group Field Trip Reports (10%) and another 10% is for class participation.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
*Registration eligibility: juniors and above.
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering Division,
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering,Construction Engineering and Managem,
(College of Engineering) Department of Civil Engineering,
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering,Construction Engineering and Managem,
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Transporation Engineering Division,
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering Division,
(College of Engineering) Graduate Institute of Civil Engineering,Computer-Aided Engineering Division
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Email address: http://www.ce.ntu.edu.tw/ce_eng/