How do we understand ourselfs? The self in memory and social cognition Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
The seminar will be completely held in English. It has three parts: In the first part, we read and discuss theories of self and self-consciousness including Daniel Dennett’s theory of the narrative self, Thomas Metzinger’s no-self theory and the pattern theory of self (Shaun Gallagher; Albert Newen). In the second part the focus will shift to the role of narrative self in memory. Central questions are: how is the self shaped by our memories of past events, on the one hand, and how is self influencing how I recall a past episode, on the other hand? We need to discuss recent theories of self-memory-systems, also inspired by psychological theories. In the third part we will discuss the relation between self-understanding and understanding others. Thus, we will discuss theories of how we understand other human beings (Simulation Theory, Theory Theory, Interaction Theory; Person Model Theory). This is the background to read recent articles about the question to which degree our strategies of understanding others is not only used in the case of understanding human interaction partners but also to understand the behavior of AI systems.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Monday, 4-6 pm09.10.23 - 29.01.2024
Course type
Online Course Requirement
regular participation, delivering a presentation of 20 minutes of one text or writing an essay about it
Albert Newen/Katja Krone/Leda Berio
Other information
Y128For registration please sent an email to sekretariat-newen@rub.deThe literature will be announced in the first session. As a preparation the students can read Dennett’s theory of the narrative self. A link to the text will be provided here:
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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