IMAGINE Virtual Exchange (The Languages of Science) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- The objective of this course is to offer to students a morecomprehensive, ethical and socially engaged training, which willultimately help them to face and overcome current and future globalchallenges. - Learning objectives: - 1) Working as a team in the service of a project: integrate, takeposition, collaborate, communicate and report. - 2) How to collect information, capacity of analysis and synthesisskills. - 3) Develop an argument with a critical mind - 4) Practice of English in relation to the social and multiculturalaspects of scientific communication in an international context
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Having completed L2 in the College of ST - Advanced level of English - Access to internet for zoom meetings with camera and microphoneopen
Grading Philosophy
- Students will be evaluated throughout the semester and their finalgrades will be based on: Assiduity (10%); English communication skills(10%); Active participation in the discussions (10%); - Pre-project(20%); Final report (50%).- Pre-project consists of the first dossierof two pages about the scientific personality who has been chosen**(in the case of Sci-Trip), or a two-page plan for developing and/orperfecting a new and/or an existing teaching tool (in the case ofTeaching-tool Dev). - Final report consists of a five-page documentdescribing the scientific, cultural and social-engagement aspectsregarding the special guest interviewed** (in the case of Sci-Trip),or the prototype of the teaching tool developed and/or perfected (inthe case of Teaching-tool Dev). **Because a maximum of two pairs ofstudents will be assigned to each of our special guests, we cannotguarantee that any student will be able to investigate and interviewhis/her first-choice personalityPre-projects, based on literature search, will be handled before thefirst contact with the scientist (mid-November), whereas the Finalreport will be based on the accomplished interview (mid-December). - Failures will be given a chance to recover by writing a newreport onone of the eight themes of the course
Course schedule
Combining theoretical and practical approaches, this course willaddress the role of science in society and the role of the public inscientific debates, from an international and sustainable perspective.Through innovative and multiculturalstrategies, our goal is to leadparticipants to reflect about their role in the democratization ofknowledge, while connecting and applying it to major global issues. A THEMATIC MENU AVAILABLE ON MOODLE WILL INCLUDE 8 THEMES: A) Climate Change and Biodiversity; B) Renewable Energy; C) Education; D) Science and Society; E) Science and Gender; F)Science and Ethnicity; G) Neuroscience; H) Science of Natural Products.
Course type
At the end of a first theoretical part based on a series of seminal articles about the interface between science and society and on approaches regarding science communication (10 h), each student will have to choose a practical project. All projects will be supervised by the course teachers. *To learn more about the three types of practical projects (Sci-Trip, Teaching-tool Dev, and Rural Workshops, see:
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- A maximum of 20 L3 students will be acceptedB. - If there are more candidates than places, a selection willbecarried out based on: letter of motivation, university grades recordand English level. Out of the 20 places for UB students, 10 will bereserved to the Life Science program. Duration: 12 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Blended learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: André / thelanguagesofscience@gmail.comAlexandra