Innovative and Composite Materials University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> Objectives: Whatever the nature of materials (organic, mineral),their structure can be tailored at different scales as soon as a right choice of manufacturing process is completed. This controlleddegree of structuration allows new properties to be obtained, fromnanometric to macroscopic scales. > Mastered competences: Know how to make a material and to control itsmicrostructure at different scales. Experience the physical andchemical phenomena that permit the modulation and/or modification ofthe properties (chemical, physical - optic, electric, mechanic,etc.). Approach of the integrative chemistry, to manufacture materialsaccording to requirements of the specifications.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: BSc / Master 1. - Language prerequisites: English.
Grading Philosophy
Intermidiate evaluation (3 hours) (40%)Project (20%) Closed-book final exam (3 hours) (40%)
Course schedule
I. METHODS FOR THE FABRICATION OF AMORPHOUS AND CRYSTALLISED CERAMICS:BULK AND THIN FILMS> Sintering processes for ceramic including liquid sintering: - Mechanisms and parameters controlling the sintering steps - Methods for the characterisations of the sintered ceramics - Glass metals and vitroceramics> Ceramic coatings and thin films - Relationship between the processin technics (chemical end physicaldepositions) and the properties (morphology, composition,) - Example of applications (mechanic, optic, tribology...)II. MODIFICATIONS OF METALS PROPERTIES - Reminders on thermodynamics - Nucleation mechanism: associated driving force, critical radius,etc. - Thermal treatments and control of precipitation states - Plastic deformation and precipitation hardening - Some examplesIII. POROUS MATERIALS - Generalities and definitions - Geometrical description - Experimental techniques to characterize porous materials - Properties and applications IV. COMPOSITE MATERIALS - Definition of the concept of composite materials,rule of mixtureabout properties - Various application examples, selection criteria for thesematerials - Introduction to the mechanical damage into composite materials - The different kinds of reinforcements : nature and architecture - Criteria of failure for brittle materials (Weibull, Griffith, etc.) - Organic matrix composites (OMC) (in view of glass, carbon, andorganic fiber reinforcement): description of different classes ofmatrices, main properties of thermosetting and thermoplastic polymersapplied to fiber composites materials. Use of crosslinking of liquidresins, and /or processing of thermoplastic molten polymers for bulkpieces - Main properties of polymers useful for composites. Fiber / Matrixinteractions and bonding - Resin impregnation of reinforcements - Types of processes of bulk pieces , injection, compression,filament winding, stamping, various types of molding, hand processes,discontinuous, continuous - Examples of industrial processes vs. processing type, vs. piecesfabrication, vs. matrix type - The MMC (metallic matrix composites): Fiber / Matrix interactionsand bonding., impregnation of fibrous textures by a metal, to have aninterest in developing such composites - The CMC (ceramic matrix composites): specificity of junctionsbetween brittle materials, the transposition of common ceramicmanufacturing to the consolidation of fibrous or porous architectures,the thermostrucural applications.
Course type
- Lectures, projects and excercise sessions: 51 hours total. - 105 Self-study hours: (65 hours private reading, 40 hours exam preparation).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
BIBLIOGRAPHY: - Sol-gel process: J. Brinker, - J. Philibert, A. Vignes, Y. Bréchet et P. Combrade, Métallurgiedu minerai au matériau, éd. Dunod, Paris (France), 1998. - P. Boch (sous la direction de), Matériaux et processuscéramiques, Paris, Hermès Science Publications, 2001 - W.D. Kingery, H.K. Bowen, D.R. Uhlmann,Introduction to Ceramics, AWiley-Interscience Publication, 1975,- C. Filliatre et R. Daviaud,Introduction aux matériaux composites - 1 - Matrices organiques,édition CNRS, 1985 - R. Naslain, Introduction aux matériaux composites 2. Matricesmétalliques et céramiques, édition CNRS et IMC, 1985 - D. Gay, Matériaux composites, édition Hermès, 1987 > This course is part of the Erasmus Mundus Master FAME (FunctionalAdvanced Materials Engineering)_ a_nd the EIT-labelled Master AMIS(AdvancedMaterials for Innovation and Sustainability).Duration: 8 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Francis Rebillat francis.rebillat@u-bordeaux.frCorinne