Inorganic Chemistry 1 and 2 University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
> THIS COURSE IS DIVIDED IN TWO COURSES: - CI1 (Inorganic Chemistry 1), and - CI2 (Inorganic Chemistry 2).1. CI1 is the first course in the three years undergraduateinorganic chemistry lecture sequence. Students will learn the basicprinciple to understand the structural arrangement of atoms and ionsto build crystalline host lattice. Metallic, ionic and covalentmatrices will be described. 2. CI2 is a continuation of CI1. The consequence of the periodic orderof atoms in a solid will be highlight by the matter-X-Ray interactionthrough the description of diffraction phenomenon. Beyond simplestructures, some more complex structures: Study of the idealcrystallized solid: Crystallographic planes and directions, Solidsolutions, Notions of X-ray diffraction, Vegard's law. In a second step, heterogeneous equilibria will be treated: system,phase, constituents, equilibrium factors, variance, Binary systems:solid – liquid equilibrium with total or partial miscibility ofconstituents and with several invariant equilibria.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-schcool diploma.
Grading Philosophy
CONTRÔLE CONTINU INTÉGRAL- 2 DS (1h avec 2 sujets): coeff 4*0.1 - DST (3h avec 2 sujets 1h30):coeff 2x0.3
Course schedule
I. CI1> Crystallographic basis - Periodic order, unit cell, compactness, multiplicity, Bravaislattice, crystal classes.> Crystal architecture - Compact, non-compact layer, coordination polyhedron, metalliclattice> Interstitial positions - Metallic solid solution, ionic matrix, NaCl, ZnS, CsCl, CaF2,NiAs…> Covalent and molecular crystals - Graphite, diamondII. CI2> X-ray diffraction - History and definition, Production / Protection / Fundamentalprinciples (i.e. Bragg’s law); Nodes - Rows – Plans; theDebye-Scherrer Chamber; Special case of cubic structure (P, I and Fmodes); How to use all that ((d1/di)² and ICSD files)> Solid solutions and Végard’s law - Some definitions – few words about the structure of metals; thedifferent SS (insertion and substitution); the Vegard’s law> Binary Diagrams (only how to read it) - Heterogeneous equilibrium with total solubility; Heterogeneousequilibrium with partial solubility and eutectic equilibrium;Heterogeneous equilibrium with partial solubility and peritecticequilibrium; Notions of intermediate compounds (line compounds, withdomain of existence, various fusion types, etc.)
Course type
- Lectures are taught in French but all written supports are available in English: 20 x 1 hour and 20 minutes. - Practical sessions are taught in English: 20 x 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Main lectures are taught in French but all written supports areavailable in English (lectures, exercises, manuals, exam written textsDuration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: French and EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching; E-learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Veronique Juberaveronique.jubera@u-bordeaux.frJean-Louis