Inorganic Chemistry (CI5) and Physical Chemistry (CP2) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This class is divided in two courses CI5 (Inorganic Chemistry 5) andCP2 (Physical Chemistry 2):CI5 focuses on the differences between intrinsic properties thatdepend mainly on the chemical composition or the crystalline structureof the material and extrinsic properties where imperfections must beconsidered. In this way, a precise description of these imperfectionsis given. Their dimensionality is used as a classification criterion.Some intrinsic properties are also be discussed as examples.CP2 is a continuation of CP1 (see the 4TCH303U course). Studentslearn how to determine the composition of a reactive mixture atthermodynamic equilibrium. They understand the influence ofexperimental parameters (temperature, pressure,…) on thiscomposition. The learn how to calculate the variations of severalstate functions (enthalpy, entropy,..) that occur during a chemicalreaction. They also get some basic knowledge about the kinetics ofchemical reactions.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
High-school diploma.
Grading Philosophy
3 written exams: - exam CI5 - 1h00, 20% weight of overall mark - exam CP2 -1h00, 20% weight of overall mark - final examCI5+CP2 – 3h00, 60% weight of overall markThe first session takes place in May. In case of failure, a second session is organized for the final exam,either as a written final exam or an oral session depending on thenumber of failed students. This 2nd session takes place at the end ofJune.
Course schedule
CI5 - Introduction to material science. Main definitions, differencesbetween intrinsic and extrinsic properties, notion of imperfection inthe real solid. - Description of imperfections in the real solid and influence on theextrinsic properties. The study of defects is divided according totheir dimension (point defects, linear defects, grain boundaries andtwins, volume defects). - Some examples ofintrinsic properties (elastic, thermal). CP2 - Mass action law, equilibrium state of a reactive mixture inhomogeneous and heterogeneous cases. - Displacement of an equilibrium, law of moderation of Le Chatelier. - State functions changes that occur in a system when matter istransformed by a given chemical reaction. - Introduction to the kinetics or a chemical reaction, study ofsimple reactions (global order 1 and 2) and composed (opposite,successive, …), influence of the temperature, law of Arrhenius.
Course type
- Lectures (18 x 1h20). - Practical sessions (20 x 1h20).
Online Course Requirement
Other information
* Main lectures are taught in French but all written supports areavailable in English (lectures, exercises, manuals, exams, writtentexts). Duration: 14 weeksLanguage of instruction: * English and FrenchMode of delivery: Face-to-Face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Graziella Gogliograziella.goglio@u-bordeaux.frSerge Ravaine