Instrumental Methods in Particle Astrophysics National Taiwan University
Course Overview
This course is designed to introduce students to instrumental methods in Astroparticle physics. The course consists of lectures and practices in instrumentations. We begin with an introduction of particle interaction in matter and several important particle detectors. Students will be familiar with basic principles of cosmic ray detection by making a simple cosmic ray detector and performing cosmic ray experiments. Through this course students will acquire basic skills of circuit design, data handling, and data analysis.
Learning Achievement
*To be familiar with cosmic rays and their interactions *To understand cosmic ray detectors *To understand the principle of two channel Geiger-Muller counter *To understand data processing electronics *To acquire practical experience performing cosmic ray experiments assembly *To understand Muon propagation and life time
Course prerequisites
General Physics / Modern Physics / Electronics and Electronics Lab (preferred)
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Jiwoo Nam
Other information
(College of Science) Institute of Arstrophysics,
(College of Science) Graduate Institute of Physics
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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