Intercultural project University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This module aims to develop students’ intercultural and languageskills by pairing up a domestic and an international/us student andhaving them work together on a common project. Students willfirst workon different thematic modules aimed at fostering a debate on a rangeof ethical and social issues. Each dyad will then create a 5-10 minutevideo or podcast on the topic of their choice. The project is to becarried out in English by domestic students and in French byinternational students. 1. GENERAL OBJECTIVES To acquire an intercultural approach defined as the ability to: - manage linguistic and cultural communication within an internationaland diverse context - build and expand one’s linguistic andcultural knowledge of the English and French language, for domesticand international students respectively. - question and putsocietal issues into perspectiveDevelop transverse and transferableskills: project management, international collaboration, research,ability to question social issues, communication in a foreignlanguage, understanding of a different culture and society 2.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVESDomestic students from the University of Bordeaux will be able to: - prepare to go on a foreign exchange or add an international focus totheir higher education profile after completing an exchange program - add an international linguistic and cultural component to theireducation by carrying out this project with an international student - improve their English language skills and interculturalcompetence International/exchange students will be able to: - benefit from an enhanced cultural integration experience on campusupon arrival at the university - gain a deeper understanding of thesocial aspects of the country they are visiting - improve theirFrench language skills - add an intercultural component to theiruniversity experience
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: Second year Science and Technology Bachelor(domestic students). Any level for exchange students. - Language prerequisites: B1 level in English/French - Internet connection and ENT account required to complete the onlineactivities.
Grading Philosophy
- CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT (25% of the final mark) - Online activities on Moodle - Written assignment (partner’s profile or interview or conferencereport, 200-300 words) - FINAL ORAL EXAM (75% of the final mark) – end of spring semester(date unknown): average of 2 marks - Group Project - group mark: video or podcast (5-8 minutes) - Group oral presentation of the project in front of a jury -individual mark (20 minutes)_Re-sit: Oral exam (to be confirmed)_
Course schedule
Each dyad (1 Science and Technology student from the University ofBordeaux and 1 international exchange student at the University ofBordeaux) will have to complete the following: 1A. ONLINE ACTIVITIES ON THE INTERCULTURAL PROJECT MOODLE PAGE - inEnglish for University of Bordeaux domestic students and in French forinternational/exchange students.Students will be able to choose one of the two modules available-Ethics and Mobility - and will complete the listening and readingactivities on all of the topics below: - socio-economic, legal and environmental issues, - health and social issues - science and technology issues. 1B. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Students will also write a 200-300 wordprofile or interview of their partner or conference report in Englishor French, depending on the language studied. 2. FACE-TO FACE TUTORIALS: The aim of these tutorials is for studentsto check their progress on the different assignmentsplanned and fordyads to work on their projects guided by theirteachers, with aspecific focus on the intercultural approach. Based on the activities completed on Moodle, students will carry outtheir project (a 5-8 minute video or podcast) and present it in frontof a jury and other students. The final projectwill be in English fordomestic students and in French for International/exchange students. 3. AN ORAL PRESENTATION of the project in both languages in front of aboard of examiners formed by one English and oneFrench (FLE) teacher.This presentation will take place with 2-3 other groups.
Course type
Online modules, project-based work, tutorials. 24H = 7 CONTACT HOURS ORGANISED AS FOLLOWS: - 1h lecture - first general meeting and course presentation - 1h tutorial - pairing up students, choosing topics for the project - 1h tutorial - Progress check : Moodle work and written assignment - 1h20 tutorial – Progress check : final project 15-minute →slots per dyad - 1h20 tutorial – Final progress check before oral exam - 1h20 assessment – Oral exam (10-15 minute presentation in both languages in front of a board of examiners formed by one English and one French (FLE) teacher, followed by adiscussion (20 minutes per dyad). This presentation will take place with 2-3 other groups (1h20 presence time in total) 17 HOURS OF DISTANCE-BASED LEARNING (TO BE CONFIRMED)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- MAXIMUM 12 DOMESTIC STUDENTS + 12 INTERNATIONAL/EXCHANGE STUDENTS - Students are selected based on their language level (B1 AND ABOVE)and motivation to take part in the project. - SELECTION PROCEDURE (FOR DOMESTIC STUDENTS): - detailing estimated English level (Englishmarks semester 3 and/or CEFRL level) and reason forchoosing the courseto be sent by 15th October 2021 (this date may change).- 5 minuteinterview with teacher if pre-selected. - SELECTION PROCEDURE (FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS): - Email detailing estimated Frenchlevel (FLE marks semester 3 and/or CEFRL level) and reason forchoosing the course. - 5 minute interview with teacher if pre-selected. - ASSESSMENT: - Continuous assessment (25% of the final mark) Online/distancework and written assignment - Final exam (75% of the final mark): average of 2 marks - Final project (group mark) - Project presentation (individual markDuration: 24h - spring semesterLanguage of instruction: English/FrenchMode of delivery: Blended learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Sara Garfield sara.garfield@u-bordeaux.frVéronique Teichmann