Interdisciplinary tutored project University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
OBJECTIVES Being able to propose a research plan answering cancer biologicalissues using technological solutions. Developing a projectencompassing basic biology, translational research and technologyteams. Building a project autonomously in the context of aninterdisciplinary team work.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
- Tutoring by a tandem of experts composed of a biologist and aspecialist of the technological field interested in the project. - Team work mixing students with diverse backgrounds. Students willwork in strong interaction with academic research labs and, wheneverapplicable, private companies. - Lectures and tutorials on intellectual property, researchvalorization and entrepreneurship.
Course type
- Theoretical lectures - 8 hours - Tutorial classes - 20 hours
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Sandrine Dabernatsandrine.dabernat@u-bordeaux.frChristophe Champion (coordinator)