International Business Strategy National Taiwan University
Course Overview
This International Business Strategy (IBS) course focuses on the key issues on formation, decision-making, communication & negotiation, and implementation of IBS. By key issues, we mean to leverage and integrate resources to achieve the effectiveness of objective-driven strategic processes, and to improve the efficiency of strategic conduct that links objectives and performance. As open-innovation business eco-systems prevail in current global marketplace, we further intend to redefine international strategy to incorporate strategic challenges across economic, political, cultural & social boundaries.
Learning Achievement
Regarding the pedagogical approach, we are going to discuss core theories, best business practices, visionary thinking, seamless implementation, and policy implications. In global business environment under strategic uncertainty, flexibility and speed are key to competitive supremacy. You can expect to learn the relevant models and approaches for seeking untapped opportunities, for strengthening economic performance and social legitimacy, for upgrading technical and structural innovation, and for responding to dynamic changes in frontier-, or emerging-, or maturing-economies.
Course prerequisites
*Restrict to 3rd-year and above.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hong-Jen Chiu
Other information
Department of International Business, Graduate Institute of International Business
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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