International Dimensions of Law Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
International Dimensions of Law(Dr. Thiede; Course ID 060307, Donnerstag, 2-4 p.m., Podcasts)Aims & Intended Outcomes: As indicated by its title, this course will focus on an introduction to Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws, European Law and Public International Law (with a focus on all questions of the law applicable (choice of law) in cases with a foreign element). Participants should obtain basic knowledge in Comparative Law, Conflict of Laws, European Law and Public International Law; understanding of problems in mentioned areas of law and (some) competence in questions of the law applicable in cases with a foreign element.Previous knowledge expected: Instruction and assessment will be exclusively in English, and participants should have an appropriate level of linguistic competence.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Proficiency in English
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
You will be provided with the course podcasts each Thursday at 2 pm, starting on October 26, 2023.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
In order to complete this course you have to pass an online exam via Moodle.
Dr. Thiede
Other information
For course registration please send an email to
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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