International Economic Institutions University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- Providing a theoretical introduction into the economic issuesrelated to the tasks of the WTO, the IMF and the World Bank -Presentation of the historical evolution and the current functioningof the WTO, the IMF and World Bank - Encouraging students todevelop a critical appraisal of the role played by the WTO, the IMFand the World Bank - Developing students’ capacities in notetaking in a foreign.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
English listening, reading and writing skills
Grading Philosophy
Final examination : Written (1h)
Course schedule
1. INTERNATIONAL TRADE ISSUES : FROM GATT TO WTO 1.1 Free trade versus protectionism 1.2 Historical overview 1.3 The GATT (1947-1995) 1.4 The WTO (1995-today) 2. CURRENT ACCOUNT AND EXTERNAL ADJUSTMENT ISSUES: THE IMF 2.1 Exchange rate regimes and external adjustment theories 2.2 The IMF’s role in the Bretton Woods system 2.3 The IMF after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system 2.4 Current functioning of the IMF 2.5 Critical review of IMF policies3. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES : THE WORLD BANK 3.1 Development economics 3.2 The Bretton Woods conference and the creation of the WorldBank 3.3 Institutional issues and functioning 3.4 World Bank policies and practices
Course type
Lecture course
Online Course Requirement
Other information
REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY: - James Boughton (2001), Silent revolution: the International MonetaryFund 1979-1989. - Jean-Pierre Cling & François Roubaud (2008), LaBanque mondiale, Repères n° 519, Editions La Découverte. -Martin Daunton, Amrita Narlikar & Robert Stern (2012), The Oxfordhandbook on the World Trade Organization, Oxford University Press. - Patrick Lenain (2004), Le FMI, Repères n° 133, Editions LaDécouverte. - Michel Rainelli (2011), L’Organisation mondialedu commerce, Repères n° 193, Editions La Découverte. - AnneSalda (1995), World Bank, Transaction Publishers. KEY WORDS : GeneralAgreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), World Trade Organization (WTO),International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, free trade,protectionism, external adjustment, exchange rates, current accounts,Bretton Woods, Washington consensus, developmentDuration: 17.5 hoursLanguage of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Martin