International Migrations University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
International migration is a key aspect of globalization. Whilemigrants represent about 3% of the world population, a relativelystable figure, immigrants now represent nearly 10% of the populationof OECD countries, a twofold increase in just a couple ofdecades. Theaim of the course is to present a broad picture of internationalmigration in recent history and a detailed picture of its recenttrends, as well as to introduce the analytical and empirical toolsthat are necessary to evaluate its impact on the host countries.Economic models and econometric will be kept at the simplest levelpossible.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Basic microeconomics ; Basic knowledge of inferential statistics /econometrics may help
Grading Philosophy
Intermediate test (controle continu): students read and comment anarticle on topics 2) to 5)Final test (controle continu): students readand comment an article on topics 6) to 8)
Course schedule
1) Historical and current international migration trends 2) Migration determinants (“pull” vs “push” factors) 3)Positive vs. negative self-selection (Roy-Borjas model)4) Impact on destination countries' labour markets: theory 5) Impact on destination countries' labour markets: evidence 6) Migration and international trade 7) Migration and innovation in destination countries 8) Brain drain versus brain gain
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Support: slides (pre-loaded on Moodle) - Textbook : Bansak, C., Simpson, N. B., & Zavodny, M. (2015). Theeconomics of immigration. Routledge. (E-book available throughUniv-Bordeaux’s library) - Futher readings indicated on slides and made available eitheronline or on MoodleDuration: 17.5 hoursLanguage of instruction: English
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Francesco