International Relations 3B University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
In this course, students will deepen their understanding of international relations theories. By critically reading various materials and studying approaches to international relations, students will develop their skills to think like a social scientist. This course also provides students with an opportunity to present their ideas and improve their arguments and methods. Students are expected to offer constructive criticism to other students' works.
Learning Achievement
By studying how International Relations (IR) scholars test IR theories, students will be able to learn how new knowledge is created. Through discussions and presentations, students will also be able to improve their “research ability” and to "acquire expertise.” By taking this course, students will also improve “communication ability,” broaden their “global awareness,” and acquire the “capacity for creative scientific research.”
Generic Competences: Capacity for Creative Scientific Research; Communication ability; Global Awareness Specific Competences: Research ability, Expertise Acquisition
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Presentation (25%), classroom participation (25%), and a term paper (50%).
Course schedule
Organizational Meeting and IntroductionCult of the IrrelevantThe Origins of AlliancesNuclear PoliticsPower ShiftUnipolar PoliticsStudent PresentationStudent PresentationStudent PresentationStudent Presentation
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Ohtomo Takafumi
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university