Course Jukebox

Course Jukebox

Course Detail

Standard Academic Year
Course delivery methods
Social studies
Institute of International Relations (IRI)
São Paulo main campus
Course Offering Year
Course Offering Month
January - January
Weekday and Period
Course Number

International Relations and Women’s Studies University of Sao Paulo

Course Overview

The field of gender studies has been growing in importance since the 1980s in the area of international relations. Proof of this are the creation of the Women Caucus at ISA (International Studies Association) and the International Feminist Journal of Politics, which is now one of the most cited in the area of IR Studies. The importance of the study of women's participation in international politics in peace operations, democratization processes and the improvement of international institutions with greater gender equality is greatly appreciated. The course brings an important approach to postgraduate students in the field of international relations who aim to study and better understand the role of women in politics in order to create and foment debate inside and outside the institute. The topics of study in the area and methodological approaches required for research in Security, Regimes and Institutions will be deeply explored. The participation of Professor Emeritus Jane S. Jaquette is of great importance, given her proven experience in the field and great success of publications and research, which will bring more knowledge to the faculty and our students about the field of gender within the area of international relations.

Learning Achievement

The course aims to contemplate the debate about gender studies and international relations and women's political participation. In the context of international relations studies, it is essential to note the role of women in peace processes, democratization processes and in international organizations. The theoretical conceptual aspects of the area will be presented in this course, along with methodological practices known in the area, as well as recent studies in the field of gender and international relations. It is expected that at the end of the course, students will have: (1) developed an understanding of the main theories on feminism and international relations; (2) familiarized themselves with the main contemporary debates on the subject and (3) have acquired analytical capacity to understand the role of women in international politics.


Course prerequisites

Grading Philosophy

• Participation in class debates (10%) • A critical review of literature analyzed in class (1500-200 words) (40%) • Final paper (3500-5000 words) analyzing a

Course schedule

1. Introductory meeting: Feminism and Politics 2. Theoretical debate: Feminist Theory in International Relations 3. Feminist problems as international norms: integration in global governance 4. Women and gender equality in practice 5. Women and democracy 6. Feminism in Latin America and democratic transition

Course type

Online Course Requirement


Janina Onuki

Other information

Site for Inquiry

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