International Sport Marketing University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
This course will be an 10-classes course that will have a broad overview of sports marketing strategies including sponsorship and consumer behaviour. Ideas such as promotion, public relations, advertising, media coverage and sponsorship will be explored in this course. The student will have presentations to learn each contents of sports marketing. Furthermore, through discussion topics (we will call this ‘class activity’) the student will focus on reinforcing topics presented in the class as well as current topics in sports.
Learning Achievement
The successful student will fulfill the following objectives: To learn of the special nature of sport marketing.To become aware of strategic marketing management geared towards sport consumers and sport consumer behavior.To become familiar with input, process, output and alternative perspective between sport organization and consumer.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Assignment and presentation.
Course schedule
With the current crisis, this course have moved to online learning via manaba.Instructor will deliver the online lectures in edited power point slides with notes. Students will access to manaba to view the class materials, ask questions and challenge assignments. If the situation allows, live sessions in small group or face-to-face classes would be possible. Because of this teaching/learning style, your contribution for class activities including online discussion and submitting assignments for each classes, increase its importance for final assessment.Class 1/2 : Introduction and OverviewClass 3/4 : Input ? External force and brandingClass 5/6 : Marketing Process ? Phycological componentsClass 7/8 : Output ? Evaluation, connection and satisfactionClass 9/10 : Alternative perspective
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Daigo Ebe
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university