International Track 2 : Independent project in intercultural and comparative studies University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
DISCIPLINARY LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - Exploring the theme of “diversity” using human sciencemethodology - Selecting and analysing interview content - Developing an international comparative framework for analysis andpresentation of material based on interviews, observation and visualsupports - Exploiting scientific articles in English to develop analyticalframeworkLANGUAGE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - Selecting and organizing significant experts from interviews andwritten material - Interacting in an international environment - Reflecting on one’s practice and giving feedback to peers - Oral presentation skills: designing and presenting visual aids,using strategies that enhance oral communication (hedging,signposting, storytelling, reformulating, recapping, defining, etc.)CROSS-DISCIPLINARY LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Collaborating within a interpersonal framework on a group project - Developing intercultural awareness and literacy
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- B1 level of competency in English - Basic computer literacy - Interest or experience in international communication and mobility
Grading Philosophy
- Continuous assessment of active learning : (50%) - Final oral presentation (50%) - Re-sit : oral presentation
Course schedule
- Intercultural communication and diversity studies - Diversity in schools - Social diversity - Narratives of diversity - Diversity in the workplace - Diversity and institutions - Diversity policies - Comparative analysis of international contexts/issues
Course type
- Seminars, tutorial, group work - 4 hours of English language support - 16 hours of human science tutoraials and seminar - One half day symposium on final projects - 54 hours of self-study (classwork preparation, group work preparation and project based work)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
- Maximum number of students admitted: 25. - Students selected according to their level in English (languagetest) and international mobility profile (personal statement).Duration: Spring SemesterLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Blended learning: face-to-face teaching, small group work, distance learning
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Claire Camille Brisset (coordinator) camille.brisset@u-bordeaux.frChrystel