Intertidal Ecology:a Field Study Approach National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course will be based on the last year's Intertidal Ecology (B441620), being conducted in English to teach the basic intertidal ecology and use this system as examples to introduce the basic concepts in population and community ecology, common research methods, statistical techniques and writing skills in ecological studies.
Learning Achievement
Learning outcomes: At the end of this course you should be able to: 1.describe the physical environmental factors (e.g., waves, tides) shaping the intertidal environment 2.understand the basic factors affecting the distribution and abundance of intertidal organisms 3.understand the factors limiting species distribution patterns on the vertical intertidal gradient and study the methods to measure and investigate these patterns experimental studies to investigate patterns (e.g., zonation) and processes (e.g. competition) in intertidal areas 5.plan a simple experimental and statistical study on intertidal ecology. and critique scientific papers
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Chan,Kwok Kan
Other information
(College of Life Science) Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
(College of Life Science) Department of Life Science
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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