Introduction of Synchrotron-radiation X-ray Materials Science University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Lecturers from the PF and SPring-8 explains the principle of the SR X-ray measurement and available apparatus. In addition, the course student's present and discuss their theme research theme.
Learning Achievement
Understand the principle of synchrotron radiation X-ray generation, its characteristics, and the outline of materials science research using it.
Advanced expertise and analysis
Course prerequisites
Not required
Grading Philosophy
The course grade is determined by performance on assignments of understanding synchrotron radiation X-ray generation principle, its characteristics, and materials science research using it.
Course schedule
Invited lecturers from synchrotron radiation facilities give an overview of synchrotron radiation X-ray generation principle, its characteristics, and materials science research using it in the form of an intensive course. A lecturer will be invited from SPring-8 to give a lecture on the principle of synchrotron radiation X-ray generation, its characteristics, and the outline of materials science research using it. In addition, lectures will be given on the characteristics of SPring-8 and how to apply for research proposals for graduates. A lecturer will be invited from PF to give a lecture on the principle of synchrotron radiation X-ray generation, its characteristics, and the outline of materials science research using it.Part 1 : Course description and implementation plans Part 2 : Description of Spring 8 Part 3 : Description of Photon Factory Part 4 : Description of NIMS high brightness synchrotron radiation station Part 5 : International joint research of synchrotron radiation at University of Tsukuba Part 6 : Examples of X-ray electric laser used by researchers of University of Tsukuba Part 7 : X-ray condensing elements and zone plates Part 8 : The use of synchrotron radiation in X-ray diffraction Part 9 : Spectroscopy in the hard X-ray region Part 10 : Soft X-ray region spectroscopy
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Nishibori Eiji,Moritomo Yutaka,Kobayashi Wataru,Kasai Hidetaka,Niwa Hideharu
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university