Introduction to Colloids & Polymer Science University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
Acquiring the basic knowledge of colloids & polymer science: what arecolloids & polymers, how they are made, how they do behave in variousencountered experimental situations, what are their microscopicstructures, what they are used for. Students also acquire the basicprinciples of microfluidics.> STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO USE THE ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE TO PERFORM THEFOLLOWING ACTIONS: - Synthesize some basic polymer molecules and colloidal suspensions, - Know the basic methods to characterize the physical chemicalproperties of basic colloids & polymer systems, - Know how to use colloids & polymer systems in some targetedapplications.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- Academic level: BSc. - Selection criteria: basic knowledge in chemistry and/or physicalchemistry. - Language prerequisites: English or French. - Selection procedure: evaluation of the students CV.
Grading Philosophy
The first session will take place in December (7th-16th).> Evaluation of practical sessions based on results obtained in thelabs and evaluation of the written reports = 30 % of the overall mark- Intermediate exam (quiz) = 20 % of the overall marks - Writtenfinal exam: 1h 30 = 50 % of the overall mark> In case of failure, a second session will be organized for the finalexam (50% of the overall marks) either as a written final exam or anoral session depending on the number of failing students. This 2ndsession will take place at the end of June. The other marks (Writtenreports and intermediate exam) will be reported from session 1.
Course schedule
PART 1: POLYMERS> Introduction - Definitions - Definitions and representation - Classification - Nomenclature - Synthesis paths: polycondensation, chain polymerisation - Cohesion in macromolecules> Macromolecular Structures - Succession of monomer units - Stereochemistry and tacticity - Topology, dimensionality - Macromolecular dimensions and molecular weight> Conformations of polymer chains - Statistical conformations of linear chains (as melt or solution) - Regular conformations> Morphology of polymer materials and phase transitions - Amorphous polymers - Glass transition : definition, dynamic aspects - Semi-cristalline polymers: definition, fusion, crystallisation,thermal analysisPART 2: COLLOIDS> Introduction and presentation of colloidal materials - Historical view - Length scale - Some examples - Brownian motion> Surface energy - Surface tension : macro and microscopic aspects - Interfaces : liquid/liquid, liquid/gas, solid/liquid, etc. - High and low energy surfaces - Laplace pressure - Wetting phenomena: contact angle - Spreading parameters - Capillarity - Experimental determination of surface tension - Laws of Cassie-Baxter, Wenzel, Zisman> Surface tension in microfluidics - Introduction to microfluidics - Flow diagram : influence of surface tension - Formulation of colloidal materials using microfluidics PRACTICAL SESSION 1 : EMULSION POLYMERISATIONPRACTICAL SESSION 2 : MEASUREMENT OF WETTING PROPERTIESPRACTICAL SESSION 3 : A FLOW PHASE DIAGRAMPRACTICAL SESSION 4 : MEASUREMENT OF SURFACE TENSION
Course type
- Lectures: 19 lectures of 1h 20 (oral in French, all written support in English) - Exercise session (in French or English): 7 sessions of 1h 20 - Practical session (in French or English): 4 sessions of 4h - Tutoring (for non French speaking persons): 9 sessions of 1h20 - Teaching supports available on the Moodle platform - Self study: 105 hours (50h private reading, 20h exam preparation, 20h exercise preparation, 15h preparation/report of practical session)
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Cyril Brochon Olivier Mondain-Monval mondain@crpp-bordeaux.cnrs.frCorinne