Introduction to East Asian Studies National Taiwan University

Course Overview
The subject of this course is to introduce East Asia as an integral whole and its development in various aspects at modern times. For the aforementioned purpose, this course is divided into three parts. The first part covers the region’s geography, ethnicity, and civilization to give students general picture of what East Asia is, has been, and should be. The second part discusses the region’s international relations, economic linkages, as well as political, social, and legal development. The third part proceeds in a round-table format, in which the students, on a group basis, debate on two themes, one being political reconciliation and identity construction, and the other the future direction of socio-economic development and civilization.
Learning Achievement
This course trains students to get acquainted with principle of political economy. Students are expected to develop knowledge about the history and development of political economy of East Asia with the aim to build up macro perspective on the future of the regions integration. Course Schedule Week 1 Introduction (Instructor: Prof.Chen-Dong Tso) Week 2 Scope of East Asia (Instructor: Prof. Yu-Ting Lee) John Fairbank et al., East Asia: Tradition & Transformation, Revised Edition (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989), Ch. 1 Week 3 East Asian Civilization (Instructor: Prof. Yu-Ting Lee): Confucianism, spread, and shock Charles Holcombe, A History of East Asia: From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-First Century (New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011), Ch. 1 - 3 Week 4 Chinas and Japans response to the West(Instructor: Prof.Chen-Dong Tso) M. C. Bergère, , J. K. Fairbank, , E. O. Reischauer, , & A. M. Craig, East Asia. The modern transformation, 1967, Ch. 3 & 5 Week 5 Sino-Japanese Rivalry: From 1st Sino-Japanese War to Pacific War (Instructor: Prof.Chen-Dong Tso) M. C. Bergère, , J. K. Fairbank, , E. O. Reischauer, , & A. M. Craig, East Asia. The modern transformation, 1967, Ch. 7 - 8 Week 6 Sino-Japanese Rivalry: Battle over the Peripheral Areas (Instructor: Prof.Chen-Dong Tso) M. C. Bergère, , J. K. Fairbank, , E. O. Reischauer, , & A. M. Craig, East Asia. The modern transformation, 1967, Ch. 9 - 10 Week 7 Economic Issues East Asia (Instructor: Prof. Kuo-Chun Yeh): Why Euro, Why Not Asian Monetary Union? Theory and Current Development of Asian Economic Integration De Grauwe, P. (2016) Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press. Yeh, K.C. and C. Tso (2015) Policy configurations of PRC and East Asian emerging economies after the global financial crisis era: An analysis of tri-lemma indexes, China: An International Journal 13 (1), 139-154. Week 8 Economic Issues in East Asia (Instructor: Prof. Kuo-Chun Yeh): the Economic Consequences of FTAs: The Case of South Korea and Its Implications to Taiwan Yeh, K.C. (2016) South Koreas Trade and Industry Policies after the EU-Korea FTA, Bureau of Foreign Trade, mimeo. Week 9 Mid-Term Report Week 10 Social Issues in East Asia (Instructor: Prof. Pei-Chia Lan) : Migration in East Asia Lan, Pei-Chia. 2016. Deferential Surrogates and Professional Others: Recruitment and Training of Migrant Care Workers in Taiwan and Japan. Positions: Asia Critique 24(1): 253-279. Week 11 Social Issues in East Asia (Instructor: Prof. Ming-Sho Ho): Students Movement in Taiwan and Hong Kong Ho, Ming-Sho. 2015. Occupy Congress in Taiwan: Political Opportunity, Threat, and the Sunflower Movement. Journal of East Asian Studies 15: 69-97. Francis L. F., Lee. 2015. Social Movement as Civic Education: Communication Activities and Understanding of Civic Disobedience in the Umbrella Movement. Chinese Journal of Communication 8(4): 393-411. Week 12 Legal Issues in East Asia (Instructor: Prof. Ying-Chieh Wu): Civil Code in Taiwan and China Tsung-Fu Chen, Transplant of Civil Code in Japan, Taiwan, and China: With the Focus of Legal Evolution,�h National Taiwan University Law Review, Vol. 6, Iss 1, 2011, pp. 389 _ 432 Week 13 Legal Issues in East Asia (Instructor: Prof. Ying-Chieh Wu): Legal Systems of Japan and Korea Compared Hiroshi Oda, Japanese Law, Oxford University Press, 2011 Korean Legislation Research Institute, Introduction To Korean Law, Springer Publishing, 2013 Week 14 American Hegemony in East Asia (Instructor: Prof.Chen-Dong Tso) Warren Cohen, The Asian American Century, Cambridge: Harvard University, 2002, Ch. 1 Week 15 Asia�fs Americanization and America�fs Asianization (Instructor: Prof.Chen-Dong Tso) Warren Cohen, The Asian American Century, Cambridge: Harvard University, 2002, Ch. 2 - 3 Week 16 Group Report I Week 17 Group Report II Week 18 Final Examination
Course prerequisites
*Restrict to 2nd-year and above.
*Required course of Program for East Asian Studies.
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Chen Dang Tso
Other information
College of Social Sciences, Program for East Asian Studies
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