Introduction to Ecology University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Ecology is scientific study of interactions of organisms with one another (biotic environments), and with abiotic environments. As ever-increasing serious environmental issues at local to global scale, ecology is recognized as one of the fundamental science, because we have to learn and well-consider various relevant aspects on organisms and environments. This class will address fundamentals of ecology mainly focused on plants, insects, their relations, and its surrounding environments. Although I’ll try to talk students who have little background on ecology and biology, please don’t forget to make every effort to understand and to have flexibility to think for oneself.
Learning Achievement
Ecology is the scientific study of interactions of organisms with one another and with the physico-chemical environment. As ever-increasing serious environmental problems at local to global scale, ecology is recognized as one of the fundamental sciences, because we have to learn and well-consider various relevant aspects on organisms and environments. Although we'll try to teach to students who have little background on ecology, please don’t forget to make every effort to understand and to have flexibility to think for oneself. We’ll introduce not only keystones on ecology, but also the latest hot-topics based on recent research.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
We’ll evaluate short paper (the maximum length is 1 page on A4 size) on every class, and any activities such as Q&A, presentation, through this class.
Course schedule
Tentative schedule 1st:What is the Ecology? 2nd:Basic backgrounds: From the growth of individuals to community structure 3rd:Basic backgrounds: Biodiversity and stability of ecosystems 4th:Value of ecosystem service and effects of invasive species 5th:Our dilemma: Biological conservation or developments for human 6th: Principal environmental factors, Climate system and ecosystem layout 7th: A fatal connection: Energy budget, water cycle, vegetation and recent environmental problems in terrestrial ecosystem 8th: Tireless terrestrial ecosystem-Succession I: temporal changes and its rules 9th: Tireless terrestrial ecosystem-Succession II: Value of the old-growth forest 10th: Relationship between ecosystem structure and functioningPresentation (15 minutes for or presentation, 10minitutes for Qs and As) related to contents of the class by each group(3-5 students) will be conducted in the 5th and 10th class.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hirota Mitsuru,Yokoi Tomoyuki
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Hirota Mitsuru,Yokoi Tomoyuki
Email address: ,
Link to the syllabus provided by the university