Introduction to English Civil Law University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
The main objective of this lecture is to initiate French students to adifferent tradition of law. The majority of them are already familiarwith French civil law, but don’t know common law. The purpose hereis then to initiate students to another way to make law and tounderstand that there is not only one way to get an efficient systemoflaw. The lecture focuses on Canadian common law, as the teacher has spenttime studying and working in this country. More precisely, Canadiancommon law on contracts is at the core of the lecture. This has agreat advantage due to the sources of this common law in this country:it has its roots in English common law but courts over see developedtheir own interpretations, leading sometimes to differences incomparison with English common law. It also has the advantage to initiate students to comparative law: asthey study French law on contracts, they can compare and noticedifferences in the solutions brought by two different systems of lawon a same matter.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Basic English listening, reading and writing skills.
Grading Philosophy
Final multiple choice questionnaire (30 minutes).
Course schedule
-Initiation to constitutional history of Canada (to understandbilingualism and bujuralism) -Sources of contract law in English-speaking part of Canada -Organising principles of contract law -Formation of the contract -Performance of the contract.
Course type
- Lectures
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Please note that the number of places available may be limited forcertain classes.Duration: 7 hours (November)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Jeanne