Introduction to Entrepreneurship University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- In this transversal course, students use knowledge already acquiredin other multiples courses such as marketing, accountancy, finance,law, etc. - The course is based on group work and autonomous learning; thecourse coordinator acts more as a "coach" than as a "teacher".
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
- High-school diploma. - B1-B2 in English. - A personal laptop may help with group work.
Grading Philosophy
> Three grades are given to students: - A personal grade (based on an individual quiz): 20%, - A collective grade (based on the study of the business model of anexisting model of a new company, carried out in small groups of 3 to 4students): 30%, - A collective grade (based on the written and oral presentation ofthe business model of a new company, carried out in groups of 5 to 6students): 60%.
Course schedule
The course relies on the Business Model concept and more specificallyon the GRP model (see for more information). Firstly,during an interactive lesson, students are asked to explain to eachother the different parts of a business model and, as a team, todescribe the business model of an existing company.During three classes (4 hours each), students come up by teams of 5 or6 with a business idea, they develop a draft business model to launchthe idea. Some personal work is required to complete the group work inclass. In particular, students may have to interact with potentialcustomers or suppliers in order to create the most realistic projectpossible. The fourth class is dedicated to an individual quiz and thepreparation of the entrepreneurial project's oral presentation.Finally, the oral presentation is conducted and ends with a discussionwith the teacher about the project presented.
Course type
- Interactive lessons based on flipped classroom method. - Self-study. - Oral presentation.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
Duration: 6 weeksStudy level: University Diploma in TechnologyLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching, learning by doing pedagogy
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Estèle Jouison-Laffitteestele.jouison-laffitte@u-bordeaux.frSylvie Castetssylvie.castets@u-bordeaux.frStéphanie Canostephanie.cano@u-bordeaux.frClaire