Introduction to Geoenvironmental Science University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Earth's environment is the main topic of this lecture. Emphasis is on the geoscientific aspects and features in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, topography, and human society among others are discussed.
Learning Achievement
Students will acquire general knowledge and comprehensive understandings of the world, by focusing on the study of the natural processes in the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere of the earth, and the interactions between natural environments and human activities.
This coursework links up with the academic goal stated below.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Evaluation will be based on the final exam or a short report/test assigned in each class.
Course schedule
Earth's environment is the main topic of this lecture. Emphasis is on the geoscientific aspects and features in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, topography as well as on human society.Introduction of geoenvironmental systems and global environmental issues (H. Kato)Survey of geoenvironment (T. Morimoto)Meteorology and climatology: observational facts of the general circulation of the atmosphere (H. Tanaka)Hydrologic cycle (M. Sugita)Earth surface processes: weathering and erosion (T. Hattanji)The cryosphere: glaciers and frozen ground (N.Matsuoka)GIS analysis of human-environment systems (T. Morimoto)Human activity and geoenvironment (M. Kureha)Concept of region (M. Kureha)Global sustainability (H. Kato)
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Sugita Michiaki,Hattanji Tsuyoshi,Morimoto Takehiro,Kato Hiroaki,Kureha Masaaki
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university