Introduction to German Constitutional Law National Taiwan University
Course Overview
In Germany, constitutional law and the jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Court are of paramount importance to the legal system and to the political process. Besides, various elements of German constitutional law have heavily influenced the development of constitutional law in other countries. The course aims at providing a concise overview of the structures and contents of German constitutional law (branches of government, democracy, rule of law, social state principle, fundamental rights etc.). Also, the intricate relationship of constitutional law to public international law and to European Union law will be investigated. TA :陳冠中(Kuan-Chung Chen) E-mail
Learning Achievement
The objective is to provide a concise overview of the structures and contents of German constitutional law.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Hanno Kube
Other information
(College of Law) Graduate Institute of Law
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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