Introduction to Industrial Organization National Taiwan University

Course Overview
This course provides the introduction to Industrial Organization, including the study of the market structure and the theory of the firm. The focus will be on some basic theoretical models and related empirical studies in IO. 先修科目 Prerequisites 1. Microeconomics I and II (ECON 2001, 2002) 2. Statistics and Econometrics I and II (ECON 2014, 2015)
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Week 1: Introduction and Cost Theory. Week 2: Perfect Competition and Monopoly. Week 3-4: Oligopolistic Competition. Week 5: Cartels and Collusion Week 6-7: Product Differentiation Week 8: Entry, Accommodation, and Exit Week 9: Midterm Week 10: Entry Deterrence Week 11-12: Price Discrimination Week 13: Vertical Integration Week 14: Regulation of A Monopoly Week 15: Advertising Week 16: Search and Price Dispersion Week 17: Auctions Week 18: Presentations (or Final Exam) [to be announced in the syllabus] problem Sets (30%) Midterm (30%) Final Exam (or Term Papers) (40%) [to be announced in the syllabus]
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement