Introduction to Optical Properties of Solids University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
The basic principles of optical responses of solid state materials are explained based on both electromagnetic and quantum theories. The lectures cover the light dispersion in matter, optical constants, Lorentz oscillator model, Kramers-Kronig analyses, optical spectra, optical transitions, Fermi's golden rule, light absorption/emission, optical properties of semiconductors, exciton, etc.
Learning Achievement
Students study the optical response of solids from an electromagnetic and quantum theory point of view. Students need to understand how the two views are linked, as well as the properties required for optical materials based on this.
"Basic Knowledge of Engineering", "Basic Academic Skill", "Expertise", "Ethics", "Practical Insight and Problem Solving"
Course prerequisites
To understand the quantum-theoretical handling of optical responses, quantum-mechanical knowledge, such as perturbation theory and quantization of emission fields, are necessary. It is difficult to understand the optical properties of a solid without knowledge of solid-state physics (especially, solid-state electron theory, band structure, etc.). Consequently, students should have completed subjects related to these topics before taking the course.
Grading Philosophy
1) Evaluation method: Results will be evaluated based on reports submitted for all the lectures (Report 100%). 2) Evaluation criterion: Proper and sufficient answers and descriptions should be given to questions or issues.
Course schedule
The basic principles of optical responses of solid state materials are explained based on both electromagnetic and quantum theories. Please refer to the manaba course pages for how to implement this class.Introduction of Optical Properties of Solids, Light Dispersion in matterOptical Constants, Lorentz Oscillator Model, Optical SpectraLocal Field Correction, Dielectric Constant Tensor, Polarized LightKramers-Kronig Relations and AnalysesSum Rule, Optical absorption and Static Dielectric Constant, Optical Response from Free CarriersInteraction between Substance and Light from Quantum Mechanical Point of View, Electric Dipole TransitionOptical Transition, Fermi's Golden Rule, Light Absorption and Light EmissionInterband Transition, Direct Allowed Transition, Direct Forbidden Transition, Indirect Allowed TransitionExcitonic States, Optical Absorption by Excitons, Exciton PolaritonExcitonic Molecules, High-Density Excited States, Self-Trapped Exciton, Low Dimensional Exciton, Optical Absorption other than Fundamental Absorption Band
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Matsuishi Kiyoto
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Matsuishi Kiyoto
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Link to the syllabus provided by the university