Introduction to Plasma Physics (as part of Fluids,Transport, Plasmas) University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This course introduces students to:- Definition of plasma, typical spatial-time scale parameters,plasma classification, occurrence of plasmas in nature, applicationsof plasma physics; - Dynamics of single-charge particles for variousconfigurations of electric and magnetic fields (stationary ortransient, (in)homogeneous, …); - bi-fluid description of plasmasat equilibrium; - waves in plasmas: main modes in magnetized andnon-magnetized plasmas.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
- personal work on proposed problems (distributed at mid-term, 4 weeksdelay; 30% weight), - written final exam (1h30, 70% weight, one totwo weeks after the final tutorial).> In case of failure: second final exam (1h30 written or 0h30 oral,according to the number of candidates)
Course schedule
Course content includes: - Definition of plasma, typical spatial-time scale parameters,plasma classification, the occurrence of plasmas in nature,applications of plasma physics (4h lecture); - Velocity distributionfunction and mean quantities (mean velocity, density, temperature) (1hlecture); - Single-particle drifts in uniform E and B fields (2hlecture); - Drifts in non-uniform B-field (1h lecture); - Cyclotroneffect (1h tutorial); - Ponderomotive effect (1h tutorial); - Pinchand magnetic mirror, loss cone (2h tutorial); - Bi-fluid plasmadescription (1h lecture); - Electromagnetic waves in plasmas:critical density for wave propagation, skin depth, collisional damping(2h lecture); - Electron-plasma oscillations and waves (2h lecture); - Ion-acoustic waves (2h tutorial); - Conductivity of magnetizedplasmas (2h lecture); - Waves in magnetized plasmas (3h lecture); -Whistler mode and Alfven waves in magnetized plasmas (2h tutorial); -Assist students on their writing assessment (4h tutorial).
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Other information
The course has its dedicated Moodle page, which gives access tomaterials andillustrations: 8 weeksLanguage of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: João Jorge