Introduction to Real Estate Investment National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Some specific topics covered include real estate development process, homeownership investment decision, market and location analysis, feasibility analysis, alternative mortgage instrument analysis including mortgage pricing, mortgage choice mortgage securitization, commercial real estate investment analysis, federal income effects on real estate investment decision, and valuation of real estate.
Learning Achievement
To give students a broad background in the principles and techniques of real estate development, real estate investment decision and financial analysis.
Course prerequisites
Fin3001 (703E30600)Financial Management.
Grade Evaluation: Each student will be evaluated according to the criteria shown below. Final grades are based on total points scored in the course. No make-up exam except in special circumstance. CRITERIA POINTS Group Assignments/Projects 36% Mid Exam 27% Final Exam 27% Attendance and participation 10% Attendance: We expect attendance at each class. If you are unable to attend the class, please email us and specify the class you are missing and your reason for missing the class. I may take attendance into account in evaluating student performance and assigning final grades
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yao-Min Chiang
Other information
(College of Management) Graduate Institute of Finance,
(College of Management) Department of Finance
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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