Introduction to Social Medicine University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
This course aims to equip students with an understanding of the broad determinants of health - income and poverty, education, environmental factors such as housing and transport - as well as health care and genetic influences and of the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach which includes medicine, epidemiology, statistics, economics, social science and many other subjects in improving population health.
Learning Achievement
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to examine current public health issues through various disciplines.
Ability to apply knowledge, epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy and management, social and behavioral sciences, and environmental health
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Evaluated based on the report for each lecture. A+ 90-100, A 80-89, B 70-79, C 60-69, D <60 out of the total score of 100.
Course schedule
Society and healthResource allocation in health sectorGlobal healthBiostatistics for medical researches: overviewMaternal and child healthEpidemiology of lifestyle-related diseasesInfectious diseases epidemiologyPharmacoepidemiologyOccupational and environmental healthOccupational psychiatry and space medicineHealth services research in community careFamily caregivingLongevity medicineForensic medicinePsychological approach for mental healthMental health (domestic violence)Public mental healthCommunity care and open dialogueReport writingReport writingReport writing is not a lecture but time provided for students to complete report writing assigned in each lecture.
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Ichikawa Masao,Kondo Masahide,Gosho Masahiko,Saito Tamaki,Tamiya Nanako,Yamagishi Kazumasa,Wagatsuma Yukiko,Sasahara Shinichiro,Morita Nobuaki,Ito Tomoko,Ogai Yasukazu,Sugano Yukiko,Togoobaatar Ganchimeg,Fukushige Mizuho,Hori Ai,Iwagami Masao,Takahashi Sho,Takahashi Tsukasa
Other information
If plagiarism is found in the report, the grade of D (failure of the course) will be given, and the grade is irreversible.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university