Introductory Labor Economics Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Course Overview
The labor market affects the welfare of every individual directly. Hence, the analysis of labor markets is of importance and interest not only to economists but to the population at large. Labor economics is a very challenging and a stimulating area in economics due to the special characteristics of the labor market. For example, different to capital, workers are not commodities with fixed characteristics and make decisions about the nature of their participation in the labour market. Institutions affect the labour market much more than any other market.
Learning Achievement
Qualification targets: The aim of this module is to give a basic understanding of the distinctive features of labor markets and the ways in which they operate. Among other things, we will analyse labor supply, labor demand, human capital, labor mobility, the wage structure, discrimination, trade unions, and incentive pay. Throughout the module, we attempt to integrate theoretical issues and empirical evidence, and to address questions of policy. The latter will concentrate on German issues. Imparted soft skills: Analytical thinking, Independent studying and learning, Ability to give and receive criticism
Qualification targets: The aim of this module is to give a basic understanding of the distinctive features of labor markets and the ways in which they operate. Among other things, we will analyse labor supply, labor demand, human capital, labor mobility, the wage structure, discrimination, trade unions, and incentive pay. Throughout the module, we attempt to integrate theoretical issues and empirical evidence, and to address questions of policy. The latter will concentrate on German issues. Imparted soft skills: Analytical thinking, Independent studying and learning, Ability to give and receive criticism
Course prerequisites
Basic knowledge in microeconomics is required.
Grading Philosophy
100 % Written exam (90 min)
Course schedule
Week1: Introduction Week 2: followed by Week 3 to the Final Week
Course type
Online Course Requirement
communication platform: moodle
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: For questions related to the content of the course, please contactMr. Jan WüstenfeldE-Mail: wiwi-international@ruhr-uni-bochum.deFor all kind of technical and practical questions, please contact Ms. Laura Santisi.E-Mail:
Email address: E-Mail: wiwi-international@ruhr-uni-bochum.deE-Mail:
Link to the syllabus provided by the university