Japanese 4 Grammar 1B (Pre-intermediate) University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will master the Japanese necessary for university life and study. They will strengthen their ability to use grammar learned at the elementary level. In addition, they will learn and practice intermediate grammar and vocabulary, etc.
Learning Achievement
Students will review grammar points and sentence patterns covered in the elementary level. This course will focus on expressions with few variations in conjugation, and how to differentiate between them according to the situation.
Course prerequisites
Students have to certify this subject fits their level by taking the placement test (http://ttbj-tsukuba.org/) or by passing a subject one level below this subject. Students must already possess grammar proficiency equivalent to having finished the elementary level. 70% or higher attendance is required.
Grading Philosophy
Drills & Assginments 10%, Quizzes 30%, Final exam 60% Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on the total score.
Course schedule
In this course, we will study "Level Up Nihongo Bunpou Chuukyuu" fromLesson1-Lesson8 except Lesson3 (Lesson 3 wiill be learned at level 7).Orientation, Review of beginner grammarLesson 1 DemonstrativesLesson 2 Particles, Quiz(L1)Lesson 4 no, koto, mono, Quiz(L2)Lesson 5 Cause/Reason, Quiz(L4)Lesson 6 Purpose, Possible, Desire, Quiz(L5)Lesson 7 iku, kuru, Quiz(L6)Lesson 8 suru, naru, Quiz(L7)Review (Lesson 1~ Lesson 8) Quiz(L8)FInal test, Feedback
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Ishida Mami
Other information
・Attendance to the first meeting is a must for those who intend to enroll in the course. ・Be sure to review what you have learned in class and prepare for it. ・The class content may change according to the number of enrolled students, their level and needs.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university