Japanese 4 Speaking 1B (Pre-intermediate) University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will master the Japanese necessary for university life and study. They will strengthen their speaking ability gained at the elementary level. In addition, they will learn and practice intermediate grammar and vocabulary, etc.
Learning Achievement
Students will master the Japanese necessary for university life and study. They will strengthen their speaking ability gained at the elementary level. In addition, they will learn and practice intermediate grammar and vocabulary, etc. The aim of this course is to improve basic speaking skills for everyday situations and an academic environment. Students will learn strategies for discussion and simple presentations.
Course prerequisites
Students should have completed elementary Japanese.
Grading Philosophy
Class participation and homework 30%, Midterm exam 30%, Final presentation 40%
Course schedule
Orientation and Level CheckSpeaking practice 1:AIZUCHISpeaking practice 2:Explanation of wordsSpeaking practice 3:Expressions of opinion Speaking style Description of graphsSpeaking practice 4:Saying agree and disagree Discussion practiceDiscussion practice Midterm exam and feedbackPresentation practice Questions and answers practicePresentation practice Making visual aidFinal presentations and feedback DiscussionFinal presentations and feedback Self-evaluation
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Sugiura Chisato
Other information
Students should do their homework. They are expected to speak with each other actively in class.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university