Japanese 5 Reading 1B (Intermediate) University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will read expository and factual pieces about familiar topics that include the writer's opinion. They will possess accurate understanding of the contents, and practice reading smoothly at an appropriate speed. Additionally, they will express their own thoughts about what they have read and discuss their ideas with other students.
Learning Achievement
Students will be able to correctly understand reading material on familiar, everyday topics that present facts and explanations and include the writer’s opinion. They will be able to read at an appropriate speed, whether aloud or silently. They will be able to express their opinion about a text they have read and discuss their ideas with other students. They will learn basic knowledge and strategies for reading successfully.
Course prerequisites
Students have to certify this subject fits their level by taking the placement test (http://ttbj-tsukuba.org/) or by passing a subject one level below this subject.
Grading Philosophy
Homework(35%), Small tests(35%), Final report(30%) Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on the total score.
Course schedule
Orientation, Lesson1Lesson2Lesson3Small test, Handout etc.Lesson4Lesson5Lesson6Small test, Handout etc.Lesson7Putting together these lessonsThis schedule may be changed depending on how study progresses.
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Kondo Yukiko
Other information
Students need to use online system. They should come to class ready with their homework. They are expected to learn from each other and share with other students their thoughts about the lesson and what they have understood.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university