Japanese 5 Speaking 1A (Intermediate) University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Students will be able to speak in Japanese about everyday topics and topics of social interest. This class will train students to be able to speak appropriately according to the situation and person to whom they are speaking. In addition, students will be able to continue a conversation and express information to their speaking partner.
Learning Achievement
・Students will be able to use expressions appropriate for the setting and the person to whom they are speaking, and be able to respond appropriately to things they hear. ・They will be able to engage in conversation and make presentations on topics from everyday familiar themes while being aware of their audience.
Course prerequisites
Students have to certify this subject fits their level by taking the placement test (http://ttbj-tsukuba.org/) or by passing a subject one level below this subject.
Grading Philosophy
Active Participation (Attitude and effort towards group work and pair work) 30%, Verbal Expressions (Speech) 70% Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on the total score.
Course schedule
Online lessons, using manaba and Zoom, will be given.Orientation, preparation for speech 1 < Self-introduction >Speech 1 < Self - introduction >Speech 2 < My funny experience > preparationGroup discussion 1Speech 2 < My funny experience > pair / group workSpeech 2 < My funny experience > presentationSpeech 3 < My favorite place/item > preparationGroup discussion 2Speech 3 < My favorite place/item > pair / group wrokSpeech 3 < My favorite place/item > presentation
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Yamada Noe
Other information
・Be active and independent in making preparations and when tackling assignments. ・Make the most of the online lessons. ・The class will be flexible according to the students' level and needs and changes will be made to exercises, tasks, and assignments as necessary.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university