Japanese 5 Writing 1A (Intermediate) University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will be able to write coherent compositions of about 800 characters. They will learn Japanese composition rules; consider overall structure; write compositions divided into about three paragraphs; use appropriate expressions and language forms; write simple expository and opinion pieces; etc.
Learning Achievement
To be able to write coherent compositions of about 800 characters that convey to the reader their ideas about things they are very familiar with.
Course prerequisites
Students have to certify this subject fits their level by taking the placement test (http://ttbj-tsukuba.org/) or by passing a subject one level below this subject.
Grading Philosophy
Class participation 20%, Homework 50%, Final exam 30% Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on the total score.
Course schedule
Orientation, Level check compositionLesson 1 Rules for Japanese composition writingLesson 2 Creating paragraphs considering compositionLesson 3 Expressions connecting sentences and paragraphsLesson 4 Comparing thingsLesson 5 Explaining in order,DefiningLesson 6 Expressing one’s opinionLesson 7 Explaining cause and effectLesson 8 Explaining the changingFinal exam
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Kato Asagi
Other information
・Preview the text thoroughly before coming to class. ・Students are expected to submit assigned compositions by the deadline.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university