Japanese 6 Reading 1B (Upper-intermediate) University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
The course objective is for students to be able to understand opinion pieces and logical writing. Students will read from a variety of genres and talk in groups to share their interpretations and opinions about what they have read.
Learning Achievement
The course objective is for students to be able to understand opinion pieces and logical writing. Students will read from a variety of genres and gain a grasp of the overall structure along with an accurate understanding of the content. Students will enhance their reading by researching related background information. They will explain in their own words about the content, their thoughts and opinions about the text, and enrich their vocabulary and knowledge of grammar structures.
Course prerequisites
Students have to certify this subject fits their level by taking the placement test (http://ttbj-tsukuba.org/).
Grading Philosophy
Final exam 50%, Quizzes 30%, Homework and other assignments 20%(Attendance rate of 70% or higher is required)Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on the total score.
Course schedule
Orientation, Level Check Tests, Reading 1Reading 1Reading 2Reading 3Mid-term Test, ReviewReading 4Reading 5Reading 6Reading 7Final Test
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Hatano Hiroaki
Other information
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university