Japanese 7 Grammar 1A (Pre-advanced) University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
While reviewing what was learned in the mid-intermediate class, in this course students will learn the meaning and usage of grammar points for the pre-advanced level. Students will master the practical skills necessary to effectively communicate in Japanese.
Learning Achievement
Students will learn advanced level grammatical and develop the ability to comprehend complex Japanese used in both written and spoken forms. They will also learn about pragmatic features of Japanese that facilitate smooth communication.
Course prerequisites
Students must already possess upper intermediate level proficiency in grammar.
Grading Philosophy
Quizzes 30%, Homework 30%,Final test 40% Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on the total score.
Course schedule
Week 1 Orientation, Task description Week 2 Lesson 1 Tense・Aspect Week 3 Lesson 2 Aspect Form Week 4 Lesson 3 [mono][koto] Week 5 Lesson 4 [wake][hazu] Week 6 Lesson 5 relation form Week 7 Lesson 6 Demonstrative Week 8 Lesson 7 modality Week 9 Lesson 8 Contrastive conjunction Week 10 review the important parts of the textbook, Final exam
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Hitomi Kaori
Other information
Students are expected to prepare before coming to class and review the lessons after every class. They will be asked to write and discuss example sentences in class in order to check correct usage.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university