Japanese 8 Grammar B (Advanced) University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will learn advanced grammar points while reviewing those learned at the intermediate level. In this course students will master the ability to correctly understand and produce grammar patterns related to Japanese structure, and will learn in depth about the grammar's meaning and usage.
Learning Achievement
Students will learn advanced-level grammar and understand more complex Japanese used in both written and spoken language. They will also be able to understand the pragmatic features of Japanese in order to communicate smoothly.
Course prerequisites
New students should get a PT score of 90-100. Students must already possess pre-advanced level grammar proficiency.
Grading Philosophy
Quizzes 30%, Assignment 30%, Final test 40% Note that grades from A+ to C are to be determined based on the total score.
Course schedule
Weeks 1 : Orientation + "wa" and "ga"① Weeks 2 : "wa" and "ga"? Weeks 3 : Possible/Impossible Weeks 4 : Passive Weeks 5 : Causative/Causative Passive Weeks 6 : Honorifics1 Weeks 7 : Honorifics2 Weeks 8 : ”~noda” Weeks 9 : Focus Particle Week 10 : Final exam + Feedback
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Kaneko Nobuko
Other information
Students are expected to preview lessons before coming to class. Also, students should do assignments after each class.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university