Japanese Composition II-B University of Tsukuba
Course Overview
Students will improve their composition writing ability while learning about structure and various expressions appropriate for reports, through short composition writing practice, homework feedback, and lectures.
Learning Achievement
・Students will be able to write essays of about 3000 characters in length on social and cultural themes that include some abstract elements. ・Students will master the grammar, sentence structure, and expressions appropriate for writing short essays.
1.Communication ability, 2. Ability for critical and creative thinking,3. Data and information literacy 4. Broad perspective and international character, and 6. Cooperative, independent, and autonomous attitudes
Course prerequisites
(1) Students must be in the Intermediate to Advanced level, possess grammar and vocabulary knowledge equivalent to Upper-Intermediate level, and know at least 1000 kanji. (2) As a rule, this course is limited to 1st and 2nd year undergraduate exchange students, short-term exchange students (Comprehensive Japanese 7 level), and Japanese returnee students. (The head of CEGLOC and the class teacher must give permission.)
Grading Philosophy
Homework 50%, Report 50%
Course schedule
Orientation Level check composition Textbook L.1 Basics of sentences 1Textbook L.2 Basics of sentences 2Textbook L.3 Showing issue Think about one's theme of the essayTextbook L.4 Showing purpose Writing construction of the essayTextbook L.5 Definition and classificationTextbook L.6 GraphsTextbook L.7 Expressing changeTextbook L.8 Expressions of comparison Midterm presentationTextbook L.9 Consider the cause Midterm presentationTextbook L.10 EnumerationTextbook L.11 Quotation L.12 Agree and disagreeTextbook L.13 ConsequenceTextbook L.14 ConclusionReview Discussion about one's essayFinal presentation and discussion
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Sugiura Chisato
Other information
・Students must submit assigned compositions on time. ・They will be reading the work of other students in class and are expected to exchange ideas and learn from each other.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university