Japanese Issues IV (Japanese Language and Society) University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
In this course, we will read about and discuss various topics relating to the Japanese language and its relation to Japanese culture and society.
Learning Achievement
Students will be able to understand a range of issues involved with the use of the Japanese language in everyday society.
Competence: Communication ability, Ability for critical and creative thinking, Broad perspective and international character, Cooperative, independent, and autonomous attitudes In this course, we will read about and discuss various topics about the Japanese language and how it is related to Japanese culture and society.
Course prerequisites
No prerequisites for International Students enrolled in the undergraduate English Program. Undergraduate exchange students (tokubetsu chokogakusei) cannot take this course. They should enroll in Japanese Socio-cultural Studies (Taught in English) A (3901612, Spring Term) or B (3901622, Fall Term).
Grading Philosophy
Reading and preparation (including answers to reading questions): 30% Participation in discussions: 30% Essay (Open book): 40%
Course schedule
General introduction to the course, discussion on language experience of the class participantsLecture “What is a language”Discussion on language based on reading textsLecture "Speech Styles in the Japanese Language"Discussion on speech styles in the Japanese language based on reading textsLecture "Dialects in Japan"Discussion on dialects in Japan based on reading textsLecture "Gender in the Japanese Language"Discussion on gender in the Japanese language based on reading texts; Review of the different class topics and their relationship, and Q&A timeEssay writing; overall feedback
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Vanbaelen Ruth
Other information
Students are expected to participate actively in the class discussions.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university