Kanji 4 A University of Tsukuba

Course Overview
Students will learn kanji vocabulary from the latter half of the basic level and be able to differentiate between kunyomi (Japanese) and onyomi (Chinese) readings. They will also be able to read easy reading materials that use kanji with the help of a dictionary, and write simple compositions using kanji. (BKB L36-45)
Learning Achievement
Students will learn kanji vocabulary from the latter half of the basic level and be able to differentiate between kunyomi (Japanese) and onyomi (Chinese) readings. They will also be able to read easy reading materials that use kanji with the help of a dictionary, and write simple compositions using kanji.
Communication ability,
Course prerequisites
Students must be in Level Comprehensive Japanese 3 or higher. They must be able to write hiragana and katakana and have completed the Kanji 3 course.
Grading Philosophy
Homework 20%, Quizzes 20%, Midterm exam 20%, Final exam 20%,Task 20% (Attendance rate of 70% or higher is required) "
Course schedule
Introduction of kanji, one chapter per week Lessons 36 to 45 of Basic Kanji Book Vol. 2 will be covered over the course of the semester.Orientation/Level check test/Lesson 36Lesson 36Lesson 37Lesson 38Lesson 39Lesson 40Review(L36~L40)、Groupwork1Midterm testLesson 41Lesson 42Lesson 43Lesson 44Lesson 45Groupwork2Review(L40~L45)
Course type
Class Exercises
Online Course Requirement
Chen Yiyin
Other information
Students should turn in homework regularly. Students are expected to not only learn kanji through classroom drills and homework, but also to look up kanji using a dictionary, and practice reading and writing.
Site for Inquiry
Link to the syllabus provided by the university