Kinetics & Statistical Thermodynamics 2 University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
- KINETICS: This part brings together the issues of kinetics, itstheoretical foundations and experimental approaches. - STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS: Introducing concepts and methods ofstatistical thermodynamics for non uniform ortimede pendentsystems
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
Statistical thermodynamics and basics of Kinetics. Ease in using thestandard mathematical tools of physical chemistry.
Grading Philosophy
-Type of assessment / first session: intermediate written exam (40%weightof overall mark), final written exam (60% weight of overallmark). -In case of failures / second session: written or oral exam (60% weightofoverall mark), recall of the first session intermediate evaluation(40% weight of overall mark).
Course schedule
_PART 1: KINETICS_ -Formal kinetics; Rate laws(Rate of reactions, coupled reactions, complex reactions, chainreactions) -Basics of transition state theory -Experimental techniques(Stopped flowstudies, spectroscopic methods, microfluidics approaches) -Catalysis(Kinetics of enzymecatalyzed reactions / homogeneous catalysis,kinetics of heterogeneous reactions, photocatalysis, autocatalysis,chemical oscillations)5.Reaction in solution; reaction-diffusion6. Photochemical kinetics(Light absorption, kinetics of radiative and non radiative processes,photopolymerization and cross-linking, light-induced atmosphericreactions, natural photosynthesis, mechanisms of vision)7. Kinetics and reactor design(Aspects of Mass, heat and momentum balances, multiphase flowreactors)_PART 2: STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICS _ -Grand canonical description of non uniform systems:Electrochemical potential, generalised chemical potentials -Euler Lagrange description of the equilibrium state. Gaussianfluctuations -Out of equilibrium response: Fick's law, Ohm’s law and similarlinear response properties -Sedimentation. Poisson Boltzmann approach to the ionic double layer.Debye screening length -Phase separation: The interface as a discontinuity. Critical points -Phase separation: Smooth interfacial profiles, compressibility,correlation length and surface tension -Equilibrium or kinetically stationary state? Einstein relation for thediffusion coefficient -Nucleation: Laplace pressure and critical radiusSpinodal decomposition
Course type
Lectures, tutorials - 51 contact hours (38 sessions of lectures + tutorials); 100 hours self-study; 4.5 hours written exam for assessment.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
BIBLIOGRAPHY : - Mehran Mostafavi, _Cinétique et dynamique des réactionschimiques_, EDP Sciences, 2015. - P.W.Atkins and J. de Paula, _Physical Chemistry_, Oxford UniversityPress,2010. Duration: 12 weeks (spring semester)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Learning mode = in-class 51 contact hours - Assessment procedure = 2 exams (intermediate + final)
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Laurent SERVANTlaurent.servant@u-bordeaux.frFrederic NALLETfrederic.nallet@u-bordeaux.frCorinne