Landscape Ecological Measuring and Planning National Taiwan University

Course Overview
Landscape ecology introduced several perspectives and principles that become foundational for planners. Landscape structure, a description of spatial relationships among ecosystems, can be measured by landscape metrics. This course offers a cross-sectional overview of current research progress in the field of landscape measuring and landscape ecological planning. The contributions that are included in the chapters of the course range from the foundation of landscape ecology, methodology, landscape metrics and landscape ecological planning to the actual application of landscape measuring and planning. This course is an indispensable guide for students interested in landscape measuring and landscape ecological planning, their backgrounds and their application. Additional exercises and assignments help students to critically assess the potential of these instruments. Landscape ecology introduced several perspectives and principles that become foundational for planners. Landscape structure, a description of spatial relationships among ecosystems, can be measured by landscape metrics. This course offers a cross-sectional overview of current research progress in the field of landscape measuring and landscape ecological planning. The contributions that are included in the chapters of the course range from the foundation of landscape ecology, methodology, landscape metrics and landscape ecological planning to the actual application of landscape measuring and planning. This course is an indispensable guide for students interested in landscape measuring and landscape ecological planning, their backgrounds and their application. Moreover, systematic conservation approaches and tools will be introduced in this course. Additional exercises and assignments help students to critically assess the potential of these instruments. Related analysis tools will be introduced in this course. In addition, Drs. Loyau and Schmeller who are worldwide well-knowing biologists from Germany will join this course to introduce concepts and topics related to nature conservation, Conservation Networks and Natura 2000, and Biodiversity Monitoring in three weeks.
Learning Achievement
This course is an indispensable guide for students interested in landscape measuring and landscape ecological planning, their backgrounds and their application. Additional exercises and assignments help students to critically assess the potential of these instruments. Additionally, concepts of nature conservation, Conservation Networks and Natura 2000, and Biodiversity Monitoring will also be introduced to student to know nature conservation worldwide.
Course prerequisites
Grading Philosophy
Course schedule
Course type
Online Course Requirement
Yu-Pin Lin
Other information
(College of Bioresources and Agriculture) Graduate Institute of Bioenviromental Systems Engineering,
(College of Bioresources and Agriculture) Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
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