Large Scale Facilities University of Bordeaux

Course Overview
This lecture aims at discovering the contribution of large scalefacilities (neutron source and synchrotron radiation), at fundamentalas well as applied levels, in the understanding of structural anddynamical properties of matter ranging from materials tomacromolecular science.It will lead to improved knowledge of large scale facilities in thefield of Materials Science and an improved capacity to call upon largescale facilities in Europe.
Learning Achievement
Course prerequisites
No prerequisites.
Grading Philosophy
> First Session: - Practical report evaluation: 30% of the overall mark. - Oral exam: 70% of the overall mark.> Secons Session: - Oral exam: 100% of the overall mark.
Course schedule
> LECTURES COURSE CONTENT: - Background (3 hours - AD). General considerations, matter/radiationinteraction (linear response theory, etc.), sources (neutron andsynchrotron radiations), facilities (which information, where andhow?), concerned fields of applied and fundamental research,complementarities with other techniques (NMR, light scattering, IRabsorption, etc.). - Nuclear and Magnetic Structure (8 hours - MJ). Specificities ofneutron diffraction (ND) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Nucleardiffraction: complementarities ND/XRD. Scattering and absorptionlengths, isotopic effects: ND/XRD contrasts. Neutron Magneticdiffraction: access to magnetic structure. Examples and limits of NDand XRD. - Large scale structure (8 hours -TSANS). Small angle scattering(SAS) techniques. Complementarities of Neutron and X-ray SAS.Structure and form factors. Modeling small angle scattering data.Application to macromolecular systems of interests for soft materials. - X-ray imaging and spectroscopy (8 hours - OT). Techniques proper tosynchrotron radiation: X-ray absorption techniques and Exafs(contribution of linear and circular polarized beamin the study ofcrystalline and magnetic anisotropy), scanning imaging techniques(X-ray micro-diffraction, micro-fluorescence and UV/IR microspectrometry) and full-field imaging techniques (soft X-rayspectroscopy, X-raymicrotomography - Neutron spectroscopy (8hours - AD). Elastic, quasi-elastic andinelastic neutron scattering, structure factors, van Hove formalism,molecular dynamics (from vibrations to Brownian motions).Complementarities with computing science (MD simulations, etc.) andapplications in solid-state chemistry, materials science and softmaterials. > PRACTICAL COURSE CONTENT:In addition to the lectures, a practical training project is organizedin the neutron facility near Paris (Nuclear reactor “Orphée” ofthe “Laboratoire Léon Brillouin []”) duringthree days. Each group (5 to 7 students) selects a training projectamong several options (e.g. nuclear and magnetic structure of relevantcrystals, velocity of sound in materials, diffusion of macromoleculesin solution, macromolecular arrangement of polymeric materials, etc.).This project gives the students the opportunity to experience theacquired concepts. It should be noted that such a project is subjectto obtaining access authorizations.
Course type
> 154 lectures, tutorials and practicals hours: - 51 contact hours (35 hours lectures/tutorials,16 practical hours in synchrotron national lab facilities). - 100 hours self-study, - 3 hours written assessment exam.
Online Course Requirement
Other information
> Study Material_:_ - Free access tothe web site: Écoles Thématiques de la SociétéFrançaise de la Neutronique []. - QuasielasticNeutron Scattering, M. Bée, Adam Hilger, Bristol andPhiladelphia, 1988. - Theory of thethermal neutron scattering. » W. Marshall, S.W.Lovesey, Clarendon Press, 1971. - Neutrons etMatériaux, W. Paulus et J. Meinnel (Eds), Journal dePhysique IV, 2003, vol.103. - Neutrons etMagnétisme, C. Fermon et F. Tasset (Eds), Journal dePhysique IV, 2001, vol.89. - Elements ofModern X-Ray Physics, J. Als-Nielsen et D. Morrow, Wiley - Neutron andSynchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies,HERCULES Edition dePhysique et Springer Verlag (1993)> All lecture materials available on course Homepage: Clathratehydrates: from applied to fundamental research[].> This course is part of the Erasmus Mundus Master FAME (FunctionalAdvanced Materials Engineering)_ a_nd the EIT-labelled Master AMIS(AdvancedMaterials for Innovation and Sustainability).Duration: 12 weeks (Fall semester)Language of instruction: EnglishMode of delivery: Face-to-face teaching: lectures, tutorials, practical work.
Site for Inquiry
Please inquire about the courses at the address below.
Contact person: Arnaud Desmedt Corinne