Course Jukebox

Course Jukebox

Course Detail

Standard Academic Year
2 - 4
Course delivery methods
Social studies, Law
School of Social and International Studies
College of Social Sciences
Tsukuba Campus
Course Offering Year
Course Offering Month
January - February
Weekday and Period
Course Number

Law and Society in Japan University of Tsukuba

Course Overview

This course is to provide an introduction to law and to the Japanese legal system. The topics covered by this course include the development of Japanese law, the basic structure of Japanese law, criminal and civil law of Japan and future prospects of Japanese law and legal system.

Learning Achievement

By taking this course, students are expected to learn a broad knowledge of Japanese law and its function in Japanese society.


This course is designed for students who have no prior knowledge of Japanese law.

Course prerequisites

This course is available only for students who acquired the credit of Introduction to Law or students who register for Introduction to Law simultaneously.
The number of students is limited to 20-25.

Grading Philosophy

The number of students who can acquire grade A+ or A is limited to 30% of students registered.
Items and percentage of grading:
Presentation at the class: 50%
-components:preparation(summary papers or Slides), contents(points at issue or additional information), questions or comments from audience
Term research paper: 50%

Course schedule

Reading materials will be given for the following weeks' presentation and discussion on Manaba. Students are expected to give short presentations on the materials in each session, and do a brief group discussion on the materials and presentations.
About Presentation, students must follow this instruction:
To form a group of 2 or 3 students
To choose 1 academic article from Manaba and make a presentation about it
To inform your group's choice of the article with the second and third options to the Lecturer by e-mail
To prepare summary papers or slides
Presentation time is within 15 minutes for each group (including questions or comments from audience)
To mention followings in your presentation:
-What is the topic(s) the author of the article intended to explain?
-Why are you interested in the article or topic?
-What is(are) characteristic(s) of Law and Society in Japan?
To raise one or more Questions for discussion in the class

Course type


Online Course Requirement


Wataru Miyasaka

Other information

There are very different ideas and systems of law in this world.
It is recommended to share your knowledge and understanding of Law with the lecturer and students through the group discussion and presentation.
Your active participation to our class is highly welcomed.

Site for Inquiry

Link to the syllabus provided by the university